大气压放电等离子体研究 2023-03-25 15:22 一、射流放电 大气压冷等离子体射流(APPJs)能够将等离子体产生区域和工作区域在空间中分离开,在保持放电稳定性的同时,还能保持较强的等离子体化学活性。大气压等离子体射流应用广泛,尤其在材料加工、生物医学等领域引起了广泛的关注。在实际中,射流长度、产生活性粒子种类和密度直接决定射流应用效果,而它们受到射流装置结构、驱动电源、工作气体、传播环境等因素的影响。课题组利用自主开发的程序及COMSOL软件研究了大气压等离子体射流相关内容,包括:大气压冷等离子体射流的产生、传播及熄灭过程;冷等离子体射流在中心部分以及喷出部分的放电特性;驱动电压、空气成分以及气流等外界因素对冷等离子体射流动力学的影响。课题组还模拟研究了环-板电极装置的完整脉冲内等离子体射流的传播特性、不同条件下关键活性粒子的产生和输运及射流在波形基板附近的行为。除数值模拟外,课题组针对射流阵列、射流中的斑图、流光行为等开展了相应的APPJs实验研究。 图1 射流随时间的演化图像 [1] Q.Y. Nie, C.S. Ren, D.Z. Wang, S.Z. Li, J.L. Zhang, M.G. Kong, Self-organized pattern formation of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet in a dielectric barrier discharge configuration, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90 (2007) 221504. [2] Z. Cao, Q. Nie, D.L. Bayliss, J.L. Walsh, C.S. Ren, D.Z. Wang, M.G. Kong, Spatially extended atmospheric plasma arrays, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 19 (2010) 025003. [3] M. Qian, C. Ren, D. Wang, J. Zhang, G. Wei, Stark broadening measurement of the electron density in an atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet with double-power electrodes, J. Appl. Phys., 107 (2010) 063303. [4] F. Liu, D. Zhang, D. Wang, The influence of air on streamer propagation in atmospheric pressure cold plasma jets, Thin Solid Films, 521 (2012) 261-264. [5] W. Yan, F. Liu, C. Sang, D. Wang, Two-dimensional numerical study of two counter-propagating helium plasma jets in air at atmospheric pressure, Phys. Plasmas, 21 (2014) 063505. [6] W. Yan, F. Liu, C. Sang, D. Wang, Two-dimensional modeling of the cathode sheath formation during the streamer-cathode interaction, Phys. Plasmas, 21 (2014) 013504. [7] W. Yan, D.J. Economou, Simulation of a non-equilibrium helium plasma bullet emerging into oxygen at high pressure (250-760 Torr) and interacting with a substrate, J. Appl. Phys., 120 (2016) 123304. [8] Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, S. Cong, J. Zhang, D. Wang, Effects of nitrogen impurity on the atmospheric pressure helium plasma jets exposed to a nitrogen environment, Phys. Plasmas, 27 (2020) 103511. [9] Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, S. Cong, D. Wang, Comparative study on atmospheric-pressure helium plasma jets driven by pulsed voltage with different polarity, J. Appl. Phys., 130 (2021) 233301. [10] Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, S. Cong, D. Wang, Numerical study on the production and transport of O and OH in a helium-humid air atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a substrate, Phys. Plasmas, 28 (2021) 103501. [11] Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, Y. Hu, J. Zhang, D. Wang, Numerical study of atmospheric-pressure argon plasma jet propagating into ambient nitrogen, Plasma Sci. Technol., 24 (2022) 054003. [12] Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, D. Wang, Numerical study of singlet delta oxygen (O-2(a(1)Delta(g))) generation and transport in the He/O-2 atmospheric pressure plasma jet, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 55 (2022) 335203. 二、混沌研究 大气压介质阻挡放电(DBD)在材料处理、生物医学等方面具有广泛的应用前景。通过在电极表面覆盖介质层可以有效抑制电流,并通过介质表面的积累电荷促进下一次放电,进而提高放电的稳定性。同时,DBD表现出了丰富的时间非线性行为,如不对称放电、倍周期分岔、准周期和混沌,因此DBD可以作为一个平台来系统研究非线性混沌等现象。在大多数情况下,混沌的产生会使放电失去重复性,但同时也表现出有趣的现象和潜在应用的可能性,如信息加密。课题组对DBD中出现的大量的时间非线性现象进行了数值模拟研究。如:通过调整电压波形,放电经历period-2、period-4和period-8经倍周期分岔进入混沌;在准周期放电过程中会伴随着庞加莱截面的褶皱和拉伸,同时环面和周期态的交替出现;此外,课题组还发现了I型阵发性混沌,在放电过程中,突发的强电流会打破了有规律的周期性电流振荡。这些研究补充了混沌动力学的基础理论,同时非线性放电的研究,在一定程度上为预测和控制等离子体放电的时域不稳定性提供了一些依据。 图2 DBD中阵发性混沌的电流和表面电荷演化 [1] Y.H. Wang, Y.T. Zhang, D.Z. Wang, M.G. Kong, Period multiplication and chaotic phenomena in atmospheric dielectric-barrier glow discharges, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90 (2007) 071501. [2] C. Sang, J. Sun, D. Wang, Plasma density enhancement in atmospheric-pressure dielectric-barrier discharges by high-voltage nanosecond pulse in the pulse-on period: a PIC simulation, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 43 (2010) 045202. [3] J. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, Numerical study of period multiplication and chaotic phenomena in an atmospheric radio-frequency discharge, Phys. Plasmas, 17 (2010) 043507. [4] J. Zhang, Y. Wang, D. Wang, Nonlinear behaviors in a pulsed dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure, Thin Solid Films, 519 (2011) 7020-7024. [5] D. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Sun, D. Wang, Two-dimensional numerical study of a period-two dielectric-barrier discharge in atmospheric argon, Phys. Plasmas, 19 (2012) 043503. [6] D.Z. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, The transition mechanism from a symmetric single period discharge to a period-doubling discharge in atmospheric helium dielectric-barrier discharge, Phys. Plasmas, 20 (2013) 063504. [7] J. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, Numerical simulation of torus breakdown to chaos in an atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge, Phys. Plasmas, 20 (2013) 082315. [8] J. Zhang, W. Cheng, Y. Wang, D. Wang, Numerical study of type-I intermittency in an atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge, Phys. Plasmas, 29 (2022) 103505. 三、斑图 介质阻挡放电具有良好的放电稳定性和均匀性,且不需要惰性气体参与,并且可以在一定程度上避免由温和的辉光放电向热弧光放电的转化,是大气压放电产生等离子体的主要实现形式之一。在一些条件下,介质阻挡放电中会出现随机的放电丝,或者出现具有一定空间规律性的自组织斑图结构。自组织斑图放电在材料局域生长、农业、生物等方面展示出了潜在的应用前景。DBD中的自组织斑图通常由放电丝形成具有空间周期性的几何图案。课题组对DBD中的斑图放电进行了数值模拟研究。通过改变放电参数,可以影响斑图结构,放电丝数目,放电丝形状。在单层介质覆盖的DBD中,放电空间中出现了一条或者多条放电丝,放电丝表现为在裸电极一侧向内收缩,在有介质一侧向周围扩展。增加电压、极板宽度或者杂质N2含量,放电丝数目增加。在模拟研究放电丝与流场相互作用时发现,外流场可以推动放电丝向下游移动,这与微观背景气体与等离子体碰撞发生动量转移有关。通过DBD斑图的研究,分析了放电丝之间的相互作用力,给出了改善放电均匀性的方法,同时,认识和探索了放电与流场的相互作用机理。 图3 放电丝在流场作用下移动,并碰撞、消失和重现 [1] Y.T. Zhang, D.Z. Wang, M.G. Kong, Two-dimensional simulation of a low-current dielectric barrier discharge in atmospheric helium, J. Appl. Phys., 98 (2005) 113308. [2] Y.T. Zhang, D.Z. Wang, Y.H. Wang, Two-dimensional numerical simulation of the splitting and uniting of current-carrying zones in a dielectric barrier discharge, Phys. Plasmas, 12 (2005) 10358. [3] J. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, Simulation study of one-dimensional self-organized pattern in an atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge, Phys. Plasmas, 22 (2015) 043517. [4] J. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, Two-dimensional simulation of discharge channels in atmospheric-pressure single dielectric barrier discharges, Phys. Plasmas, 22 (2015) 113510. 四、针板放电 在实验室和工程中常采用针电极结构来实现大气压放电。实验研究表明在针电极下的大气压脉冲放电存在多种放电模式(电晕、辉光、火花等),通过改变放电系统的参数可以实现放电模式的转换。课题组采用二维流体模型,自洽地求解连续性方程和漂移扩散近似、Poisson方程,以及求解Boltzmann方程获得相应反应系数,并利用GFM处理针电极位形。模拟结果比较了两种放电模式电晕和辉光放电的放电特性。当放电通道导通时,放电由电晕转化为辉光模式,伏安特性曲线中会出现电流的第二个峰值。通过调整放电参数(脉冲电压、针电极半径、二次电子发射系数等),可以实现两种放电模式的转化。此外,单针放电的处理区域有限,将多个电极平行排列成阵列的形式可以有效增加处理区域面积。每个针电极都会产生相应的流光放电通道,相距较近时,放电通道会相互排斥而弯曲,若放电空间(轴向)足够长又会进一步融合。同一组多针电极阵列中,每个针电极的放电模式可能会不同。模拟结果给出了粒子密度、电场、温度等参数的时空演化情况并分析其放电机制和放电特点,为进一步的实验研究及应用提供有力的科学依据。 图4 电子密度的时空分布 [1] C.F. Sang, J.Z. Sun, C.S. Ren, D.Z. Wang, Characteristics of nanosecond pulse needle-to-plane discharges at high pressure: a particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision simulation, J. Appl. Phys., 105 (2009) 043305. [2] Y. Wang, H. Ye, J. Zhang, Q. Wang, J. Zhang, D. Wang, Numerical Study of Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure Under the Needle-Plate Electrode Configuration, Plasma Sci. Technol., 18 (2016) 478-484. [3] J. Zhang, Y. Wang, D. Wang, Computational simulation of atmospheric pressure discharges with the needle-array electrode, Phys. Plasmas, 25 (2018) 072101. [4] J. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, Numerical Study on Mode Transition Characteristics in Atmospheric-Pressure Helium Pulsed Discharges With Pin-Plane Electrode, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 46 (2018) 19-24. 五、沿面介质阻挡放电SDBD 课题组数值模拟研究了纳秒脉冲驱动的沿面介质阻挡放电(SDBD),模拟气体为空气(80 %氮气和20%氧气)。放电会产生流光通道,沿介质表面传播。流光通道的长度受到电压、电极布局、介电常数等影响。通过数值模拟研究给出了SDBD放电中流光通道传播的速度、相邻流光通道之间的相互影响、放电产生体积力的时空分布等。将单组件SDBD扩展为多组件结构。研究了多电极结构下,电极的几何形状和电压极性对放电特性(如放电均匀性,流光通道长度,流光通道数目、体积力的时空分布)的影响,结果显示电极阵列通过构建的电场(即电势梯度)的分布决定放电行为。 图5 SDBD放电,电子密度、电场的时间空间分布 [1] J. Zhang, Y. Wang, D. Wang, D.J. Economou, Numerical simulation of streamer evolution in surface dielectric barrier discharge with electrode-array, J. Appl. Phys., 128 (2020) 093301. [2] J. Zhang, Y. Wang, D. Wang, Modeling of Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge With Multi-Electrode at Atmospheric Pressure, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 49 (2021) 3059-3069. 五、等离子体流动控制 在实现等离子体众多应用的过程中,不可避免要涉及到流场与等离子体相互作用,例如:APPJ通过流速决定混合气体组分、利用流场改善放电均匀性、以及等离子体流动控制。课题组通过数值模拟研究等离子体与流场相互作用的机理问题,并计划自主开发气体放电和中性气体流动的耦合程序,通过“体积力”、“热源”、“速度场”、“压强”、“温度”进行耦合,建立一套完整的描述等离子体流动控制的计算模型。研究ns-SDBD激励器流动控制机理(包括诱导的冲击波和启动涡特性),并解决等离子体流动控制应用所面临的复杂环境影响的问题,为后续的等离子体流动控制相关应用的开展提供支持。 图6 上图脉冲放电过程中的电子密度,图为脉冲下降沿结束后的结果。纳秒脉冲放电过后的冲击波 [1] F. Liu, D. Zhang, D. Wang, Gas flow effects on the submicrosecond pulsed atmospheric pressure glow discharges, Phys. Plasmas, 17 (2010) 103508. 【关闭窗口】
图1 射流随时间的演化图像
[1] Q.Y. Nie, C.S. Ren, D.Z. Wang, S.Z. Li, J.L. Zhang, M.G. Kong, Self-organized pattern formation of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet in a dielectric barrier discharge configuration, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90 (2007) 221504.
[2] Z. Cao, Q. Nie, D.L. Bayliss, J.L. Walsh, C.S. Ren, D.Z. Wang, M.G. Kong, Spatially extended atmospheric plasma arrays, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 19 (2010) 025003.
[3] M. Qian, C. Ren, D. Wang, J. Zhang, G. Wei, Stark broadening measurement of the electron density in an atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet with double-power electrodes, J. Appl. Phys., 107 (2010) 063303.
[4] F. Liu, D. Zhang, D. Wang, The influence of air on streamer propagation in atmospheric pressure cold plasma jets, Thin Solid Films, 521 (2012) 261-264.
[5] W. Yan, F. Liu, C. Sang, D. Wang, Two-dimensional numerical study of two counter-propagating helium plasma jets in air at atmospheric pressure, Phys. Plasmas, 21 (2014) 063505.
[6] W. Yan, F. Liu, C. Sang, D. Wang, Two-dimensional modeling of the cathode sheath formation during the streamer-cathode interaction, Phys. Plasmas, 21 (2014) 013504.
[7] W. Yan, D.J. Economou, Simulation of a non-equilibrium helium plasma bullet emerging into oxygen at high pressure (250-760 Torr) and interacting with a substrate, J. Appl. Phys., 120 (2016) 123304.
[8] Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, S. Cong, J. Zhang, D. Wang, Effects of nitrogen impurity on the atmospheric pressure helium plasma jets exposed to a nitrogen environment, Phys. Plasmas, 27 (2020) 103511.
[9] Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, S. Cong, D. Wang, Comparative study on atmospheric-pressure helium plasma jets driven by pulsed voltage with different polarity, J. Appl. Phys., 130 (2021) 233301.
[10] Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, S. Cong, D. Wang, Numerical study on the production and transport of O and OH in a helium-humid air atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a substrate, Phys. Plasmas, 28 (2021) 103501.
[11] Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, Y. Hu, J. Zhang, D. Wang, Numerical study of atmospheric-pressure argon plasma jet propagating into ambient nitrogen, Plasma Sci. Technol., 24 (2022) 054003.
[12] Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, D. Wang, Numerical study of singlet delta oxygen (O-2(a(1)Delta(g))) generation and transport in the He/O-2 atmospheric pressure plasma jet, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 55 (2022) 335203.
图2 DBD中阵发性混沌的电流和表面电荷演化
[1] Y.H. Wang, Y.T. Zhang, D.Z. Wang, M.G. Kong, Period multiplication and chaotic phenomena in atmospheric dielectric-barrier glow discharges, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90 (2007) 071501.
[2] C. Sang, J. Sun, D. Wang, Plasma density enhancement in atmospheric-pressure dielectric-barrier discharges by high-voltage nanosecond pulse in the pulse-on period: a PIC simulation, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 43 (2010) 045202.
[3] J. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, Numerical study of period multiplication and chaotic phenomena in an atmospheric radio-frequency discharge, Phys. Plasmas, 17 (2010) 043507.
[4] J. Zhang, Y. Wang, D. Wang, Nonlinear behaviors in a pulsed dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure, Thin Solid Films, 519 (2011) 7020-7024.
[5] D. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Sun, D. Wang, Two-dimensional numerical study of a period-two dielectric-barrier discharge in atmospheric argon, Phys. Plasmas, 19 (2012) 043503.
[6] D.Z. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, The transition mechanism from a symmetric single period discharge to a period-doubling discharge in atmospheric helium dielectric-barrier discharge, Phys. Plasmas, 20 (2013) 063504.
[7] J. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, Numerical simulation of torus breakdown to chaos in an atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge, Phys. Plasmas, 20 (2013) 082315.
[8] J. Zhang, W. Cheng, Y. Wang, D. Wang, Numerical study of type-I intermittency in an atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge, Phys. Plasmas, 29 (2022) 103505.
图3 放电丝在流场作用下移动,并碰撞、消失和重现
[1] Y.T. Zhang, D.Z. Wang, M.G. Kong, Two-dimensional simulation of a low-current dielectric barrier discharge in atmospheric helium, J. Appl. Phys., 98 (2005) 113308.
[2] Y.T. Zhang, D.Z. Wang, Y.H. Wang, Two-dimensional numerical simulation of the splitting and uniting of current-carrying zones in a dielectric barrier discharge, Phys. Plasmas, 12 (2005) 10358.
[3] J. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, Simulation study of one-dimensional self-organized pattern in an atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge, Phys. Plasmas, 22 (2015) 043517.
[4] J. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, Two-dimensional simulation of discharge channels in atmospheric-pressure single dielectric barrier discharges, Phys. Plasmas, 22 (2015) 113510.
图4 电子密度的时空分布
[1] C.F. Sang, J.Z. Sun, C.S. Ren, D.Z. Wang, Characteristics of nanosecond pulse needle-to-plane discharges at high pressure: a particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision simulation, J. Appl. Phys., 105 (2009) 043305.
[2] Y. Wang, H. Ye, J. Zhang, Q. Wang, J. Zhang, D. Wang, Numerical Study of Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure Under the Needle-Plate Electrode Configuration, Plasma Sci. Technol., 18 (2016) 478-484.
[3] J. Zhang, Y. Wang, D. Wang, Computational simulation of atmospheric pressure discharges with the needle-array electrode, Phys. Plasmas, 25 (2018) 072101.
[4] J. Zhang, Y.H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, Numerical Study on Mode Transition Characteristics in Atmospheric-Pressure Helium Pulsed Discharges With Pin-Plane Electrode, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 46 (2018) 19-24.
课题组数值模拟研究了纳秒脉冲驱动的沿面介质阻挡放电(SDBD),模拟气体为空气(80 %氮气和20%氧气)。放电会产生流光通道,沿介质表面传播。流光通道的长度受到电压、电极布局、介电常数等影响。通过数值模拟研究给出了SDBD放电中流光通道传播的速度、相邻流光通道之间的相互影响、放电产生体积力的时空分布等。将单组件SDBD扩展为多组件结构。研究了多电极结构下,电极的几何形状和电压极性对放电特性(如放电均匀性,流光通道长度,流光通道数目、体积力的时空分布)的影响,结果显示电极阵列通过构建的电场(即电势梯度)的分布决定放电行为。
图5 SDBD放电,电子密度、电场的时间空间分布
[1] J. Zhang, Y. Wang, D. Wang, D.J. Economou, Numerical simulation of streamer evolution in surface dielectric barrier discharge with electrode-array, J. Appl. Phys., 128 (2020) 093301.
[2] J. Zhang, Y. Wang, D. Wang, Modeling of Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge With Multi-Electrode at Atmospheric Pressure, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 49 (2021) 3059-3069.
图6 上图脉冲放电过程中的电子密度,图为脉冲下降沿结束后的结果。纳秒脉冲放电过后的冲击波
[1] F. Liu, D. Zhang, D. Wang, Gas flow effects on the submicrosecond pulsed atmospheric pressure glow discharges, Phys. Plasmas, 17 (2010) 103508.